Recently, there has been some movement with Rio's agreement on provisional contract prices with its Chinese customers. Rio is selling iron ore at a 33 per cent discount to the 2008 price. 最近,事情有了一些进展:力拓与中国客户签订了临时合约价格协议,开始以较去年低33%的价格出售铁矿石。
These books sell at fixed ( or full) prices rather than at a discount. 这些书仍按定价销售,不打折。
Unlike rivals Goldman Sachs and American Express, which repaid the warrants at prices close to or above their estimated value, Morgan Stanley redeemed them at a significant discount, according to valuation experts. 估值专家表示,高盛(GoldmanSachs)和美国运通(AmericanExpress)赎回认股权证的价格接近或高于其估计价值,而摩根士丹利与这些竞争对手不同,其赎回价格较权证估值有很大的折扣。
On Control of Goods Order and Stock Under the Prices at a Discount 论价格折扣下的订货与库存控制